The Toon Pusher cartoon was created freehand with Inkscape running in Fedora 10.
It's a sample of the quality of work that can be created with this very fine Open Source software that many people are not aware about.
A Screen Grab of the working environment is shown below (Click to see a larger image).
A lot of my best-liked Artists seem to draw with either a brush or a quill and that can be duplicated very easily with Inkscape's calligraphy/brush strokes tool. A nice thick and thin Brush-Line is shown here:
Most of my Drawings are done using this Tool.
I like the flowy feel that, to me, most resembles the movement of a drawing Pen.
Something strange to Me, is the fact that I favor drawing characters facing Left for no particular reason. It may be because I'm Right-Handed, but I have no way of proving that, it's just easier.
Well, that's it for now.
Back to the Drawing Board.